Carrer D' Aribau 168,1º 1ª, CP 08036, Barcelona, España
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 14:00 | 16:00 - 20:00

About Us

About Us

Welcome to our food product scouting and brand representation company. Our team is composed of experts with backgrounds in science and law, who are passionate about disrupting the food and products industry and bringing innovative products to market.

We believe that exceptional food products have the power to transform the industry and create new opportunities for businesses. Our unique mix of scientific and legal expertise allows us to identify and represent products that are not only innovative but also safe, compliant, and of the highest quality.

As a company, we are committed to challenging the status quo and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the food industry. We are disruptors who are not afraid to think outside the box and take risks to bring our clients the best possible products.At the core of our business is our commitment to building strong relationships with our clients. We work closely with each one to understand their needs and objectives and provide them with tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements.

Thank you for considering our company for your food product scouting and brand representation needs. We look forward to working with you and disrupting the industry together.