Search for Food Products and
Brand Representation

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+34 664 45 59 49


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TWeE grupo

Welcome to our company’s webpage, where we unlock a world of exciting opportunities through our comprehensive Food & Product Scouting services. We specialize in helping businesses navigate the ever-changing landscape of the culinary industry, connecting them with innovative brands and products that captivate consumers’ palates.

What is Food & Product Scouting, you may ask? It’s our passion for staying ahead of the curve and seeking out the latest trends, flavors, and culinary experiences from around the globe. We scout the market, both near and far, to identify hidden gems and exceptional products that have the potential to transform your business.

Food and Product Search Services

We specialize in helping businesses navigate the ever-changing landscape of the culinary industry, connecting them with innovative brands and products that captivate consumers’ palates.

Food and Product Search


Brand Representation


Regulatory Compliance




FDA Facility


Our company culture is diverse but our values remain the same. The core building blocks that we embrace make up the DNA of our group.

Company Culture

Think Differently
  • Challenge status quo

  • Keep an open mind

  • Find beauty in the uncommon and unsuspecting

  • Think, dream, do

  • Always ask “why?”

Laugh Often
  • Making the most of it is a daily choice.

  • Leave the ego at the door.

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously.

  • Embrace the vagabonds, weirdos, misfits.

  • Give a S*** 

  • Inspire those around you.

  • Stand up for the voiceless.

Work With Finesse
  • Making the most of it is a daily choice.

  • Nose to the grindstone – use eyes for Awareness.

  • No sitting at the table if you’re bringing nothing to it “Just doing your job” is lame, always try to do better.

Good Vives Only
  • It’s cool to be a go-better.

  • Curiosity is a good thing.

  • Desire to change the world (and actually believe you can).

Our consultants will represent your brand

Contact us today to explore how our Food & Product Scouting services can help your business thrive in an ever-evolving gastronomic landscape. The adventure begins now.

Call Us

+34 664 45 59 49

Feel free to contact us to learn more about our services

If you’re interested in what we offer, feel free to contact us to learn more about our services.